How will we anchor our project in the sector policies of Romania and Austria?
The project fits perfectly into the 5th National Report on the Convention of Biological Diversity and the National Sustainable Development Strategy. Both support and encourage the anchoring of environmental topics in the school system. According to this, one of REFE’s goals is to manifest the developed curriculum into the Romanian school system. As described in section 4.2, the connection to the Ministry of Education in Romania is well established and interest was already indicated by the Ministry to use the curriculum and teaching material as a fixed component of the Romanian educational system. This increases the probability of the Romanian Ministry of Education accepting the curriculum after submission, which in turn increases the long-term integration and the project results and their impacts substantially. Additionally, the Austrian Ministry of Education has for a long time supported the lead partner’s education initiative in Romania. Through this well-established relationship, the Ministry of Education in Austria also showed interest in integrating the teaching materials and curriculum in the Austrian school system after successful implementation of the project. This increases the probability to have REFE’S outputs also anchored not only in the Romanian but also the Austrian educational policies.
Further, the gathered data of all project activities will be compiled to a written report. This report will be shared with and disseminated by the Ministry of Environment and the National Agency for Environmental Protection in Romania as well as the Ministry of Education in Austria. Through this, the gained information will be spread widely on a governmental level and will thus, be taken into account and involved in new strategies and policies of the country. This further ensures the sustainability of the project’s results.
Through these mediums, the curriculum, teaching material and the report, the project results will be anchored in the educational and environmental sector of the country on a policy level.